Printed book today, still need to bind it though . Somewhat relieved but i felt i may have rushed things. Anyway here are a few spreads from the finished book. Please feel free to comment.
Heres something i came up with after messing about with photoshop today. I've decided to set my story at Otis Reddings funeral. This is not the final work but rather an experimental piece.
One of these may be the final book cover for this project. It conveys the idea of Johnny Bear as a human gramophone. I've also based it on the Saturday Evening Post covers done by Norman Rockwell in the 20's and 30's, which in my opinion along with the grammaphone gives a sense of time and location. Please help me reach a conclusion, comment.
A composition of the previous images that i uploaded. Influenced by the work of Kuntzel and Degas (Best known for producing the opening sequence to the 2002 film catch me if you can, watch it on youtube its really good). I like it because it has an identifiable sixties feel to it, which suits the timeframe of the project.
This is for a book project called "Narrative Lines". We were all given individuals to research. I was given soul legend Otis Redding. Here are just some of the many drawings i've done so far.
Sent summer project from Maidstone. Basically produce a sketchbook using a variety of media while exploring the theme "My Personal Space". Made this paper cutout on friday, then experimented with lighting to create mood and effect. In case you're wondering its supposed to be my living room. One image with the television on and the other with a warm cosy fire during the winter months. I quite like the effect :)
This is part of a self initiated summer project between myself and a friend (William O'Niell). With him doing the writing and myself illustrating. Here are some initial ideas from my head for the design of the main character.
Thought id upload some more images from my icon project. These where a magazine cover and two double page spreads i designed. I also included a drawing of a bison (why not). Please note the text in the article makes no sense, the aim was to experiment with font.
Made this little paper house as part of a one day workshop. I liked it so much that i've decided to incorporate this into the animation for my final major project.
We were given this as part of a four week book project on the course. The aim was to reinterpret the story using illustration. I chose the life of the last Tsar of Russia and the subsequent revolution that changed the face of that country forever. Here are a few of my illustrations made for the book